To download the level you need, click on the link below:
The program is open to CMHAY members, 21 and under, who are interested in learning more about the Morgan and safe horsemanship.
The six levels are:
Let’s Begin (10 & under)
On Your Way
Members may work in the levels in their youth clubs or as individual members. All work must be completed with a Morgan Horse. All lessons in the level do not need to be completed at the same time, but members must complete one level before progressing to the next.
The CMHAY will award pins to members who pass each level. If all levels are completed a certificate will be awarded to the individual. The individual’s names will also be mentioned in the Canadian Morgan Magazine.
Tests for the levels are to be administered by local club leaders or qualified person(s) designated by the club. Tests for the top three levels must be administered by official horsemastership examiners. Official examiners must be appointed by the local club and approved of by the CMHA board and CMHA Youth Committee.
Every youth member should have their own copy of the Horsemastership level booklet, which can be downloaded above.
Individuals are responsible for keeping their own records but leaders should also keep a record of each member’s progress. When all the lessons for a level have been passed, the youth leader or examiner should send in the achievement report form to the CMHA office. Upon approval, pins will be sent to the leader for presentation. It is suggested that the pins be awarded to the member(s) at an appropriate ceremony.